Top tips to select the emergency dental office

Research shows that approximately 20 percent of people face some kind of trauma to their teeth at some or other stage in their lives and are in need of emergency dental care. It could be an accident where you land up losing your tooth or it could be a painful abscess.
In such a situation, it is imperative that you get to an emergency dental office without any delay. Below are some handy tips to be able to find the right emergency dentist. However, it isn’t a great idea to wait to locate a dentist when there is an emergency. It is best that you are prepared ahead of time. That way in case there is any emergency you will not land up wasting precious time. Also, importantly, regular dental check ups can go a long way in safeguarding not just your oral but also your overall health.
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Tips to select the emergency dental office
1. Conduct a thorough search
It is best to undertake detailed research for a competent emergency dentist. It will be prudent to speak to friends in the vicinity. It is essential to know if they have had personal experience with the dentist and if so, what the exact emergency was. Dental emergencies, for example, can include a broken tooth, tooth abscesses, broken braces, lost crown, swelling, bleeding, and more. You need to ensure that the dentist is equipped to handle a wide range of emergency services. It will also be prudent to check for options for anesthesia available in the dental clinic.
Checking for emergency dentists online is yet another option. In doing so, look for their credentials and overall experience. The professional association that they belong to, is yet another aspect to check for. The best dental clinics are members of the American Dental Association & are bound by the ADA code of conduct.
Checking for online reviews is another important aspect. Armed with all the details on the dentist’s credentials and reputation, you will be in a good position to take an informed decision.
2. Wait Times
Whether you are seeking details from a friend or looking up a dentist online, the one aspect to pay attention to is the wait time. In an emergency you sure do not want to wait long hours for the dentist to attend to you. If anything, this can further complicate the issue. You therefore need an agile team that can attend to you without any delay. Do take a note of the dentist’s hours. Ensure that they work extended hours and weekends- after all an emergency can strike at any time.
3. Location
It goes without saying that the dentist needs to be in your vicinity. You will certainly not have the luxury of a long commute in times of a dental emergency. Do ascertain the time it will take you to drive or be driven to the clinic.
4. Check for the ages they treat
Ever so often you may identify an emergency dentist. Only when you rush to the dentist when your seven year old breaks a tooth, you realize that the dentist treats adults only. It is important, therefore to enquire about the age they cater to.
5. Comfort
Ideally, it will work well if you consider visiting the dentists you may have shortlisted to be able to choose the one that you think works best before any emergency strikes. Some of the things to watch out for while you are there at the dentist’s office are to see how professional and kind the staff are, what the hygiene levels are, and more. In times like now, it will also be prudent to check for what their COVID protocols are.
Also make sure that you check for their follow-up protocol. The urgent care needs to be followed up with any issues that may arise later.
6. Pricing
Last but definitely not the least ensure you have an idea of the pricing of the services. It will also be good to find out if they fall under your insurance plan. If not, remember to check on any financing options that they offer. Needless to say, however, that pricing shouldn’t be your sole criterion. The credentials of the dentist have to be the deciding factor.
Other handy tips while choosing emergency dental office
While you use the tips above to make the right choice of an emergency dentist, here are some handy tips to follow in case of a dental emergency:
- In case a tooth or pieces of tooth are dislodged, ensure you gather them before heading to the emergency dentist. Ensure that you handle the tooth from the crown only and do not wash away any remaining tissue. It is advisable to place the tooth in warm water with a pinch of salt. The chances that the dentist will be able to restore a lost tooth will be greater.
- If you have a bitten lip a cold compress works well till you are able to reach the emergency room.
- Similarly with a broken or fractured jaw, applying a cold compress en route to the emergency clinic will be of help.
- In case a loose wire from the braces gets stuck in the cheek, tongue or gums, do not attempt to pull it out yourself. Instead seek immediate dental care.
You can contact Dr. Sharda Patel for emergency dental care services. She is member of the American Dental Association and provides anxiety-free environment at her dental office. She provides dental care for adults and children as well. You can call us directly on 925-846-4491 for any kind of dental emeregency.