Raise the awareness of dental health wellness on this National Dental Care Month!

Come May & its time to celebrate National Dental Care Month. It is a fitting reminder for us to take care of our pearly whites. The fact is that dental health doesn’t just equal health of our teeth and gums but also has a far- reaching impact on our overall health. From affecting our heart health, blood pressure and even memory, its impact is all-pervasive.
National Dental Care Month
Dr. Tim Stirneman and Jim Wojdyla founded the National Dental Care Month in 2018 with the aim of improving awareness around preventive dental care as well as to encourage healthy dental hygiene. Largely the message is that a healthy mouth equals a healthy body.
Although we tend to learn about oral hygiene at an early age, the learning does not last us into adulthood.
Here is how can you participate in national dental care month?
The three important ways to participate in the National Dental Care month and importantly to spread awareness about the need for dental hygiene include:
1. Review your dental care habits
Ensure that you take a thorough stock of your dental hygiene regimen. This includes checking for the following facts:
- Do you brush twice daily?
- Is flossing daily a part of your regimen?
- Do you use mouthwash?
It is important to remember that neglect can turn out to be extremely costly.
2. Schedule a visit with your dentist
This National Dental Care Month, schedule a visit with your dentist. Not just this month, ensure that regular dental appointments are part of your regimen. Bi-annual dental checkups help not just maintain a great smile but also promote overall health. A through regular dental check up every six months protects you not just from plaque & tartar but also screens you for diseases such as oral cancer. Catching & treating issues early gives you the necessary immunity from them becoming life threatening, expensive problems. While dental anxiety is a thing that could be preventing you from making the necessary appointment, please note that dentists go a long way in trying to alleviate your anxiety and ensuring that you are comfortable.
3. Use the hashtag #NationalDentalCareMonth & share it on social media.
It can go a long way in spreading awareness and ensuring many more people wake up to the need of taking care of their oral health.
Facts about dental and oral health
This National Dental Care Month, these statistics by the World Health Organization will set you thinking:
- A whopping 60-90% of school children have at least one dental cavity.
- When it comes to adults, the number is almost 100 per cent.
- Around 15-20 percent of adults in the age group of 35-44 suffer from gum disease.
- Around 30 percent of people in the 65-74 age group do not have any natural teeth.
- The instances of oral cancel are on an increase. The prevalence in disadvantages population groups is even higher.
Here are some of the ways to avoid oral disease:
- Brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day.
- Flossing once a day.
- Eating a healthy diet.
- Avoiding sugary products.
- Avoiding tobacco products.
- Drinking fluoridated water.
- Seeking preventive professional dental care.
The major causes of oral diseases include the fact that the oral cavity collects bacteria. A diet that is high in sugar further creates conditions in which acid-producing bacteria can flourish. In turn, this acid dissolves the tooth enamel and causes dental cavities. Bacteria also causes plaque. The plaque further hardens into tartar. This inflames your gums & causes a condition known as gingivitis. High inflammation can cause the gums to pull away from the teeth. Advanced gum disease takes the form of periodontitis.
Some of the factors contributing to gingivitis & periodontitis include:
- Poor oral hygiene habits
- Smoking
- Eating sugary food
- Use of medication that reduces saliva in the mouth and lead to a condition called dry mouth
- Certain infections such as HIV or AIDs
- Genetics
- The important bit is not to wait for any symptoms to appear to take corrective action. Going to the dentist twice a year will help them catch a problem before any painful symptoms appear.
However, if you do notice any of the following symptoms, do treat them as warning signs of dental health issues and do not delay seeing a dentist:
- Sores or ulcers in the mouth that do not heal
- Swollen gums
- Bleeding from gums
- Bad Breath
- Increased sensitivity to hot & cold temperatures & food
- Toothache
- Receding gums
- Loose teeth
- Pain in chewing
- Clicking of the jaw
- Cracked teeth
- Dry mouth
Additionally, if any of these symptoms are accompanied by high fever or swelling, you need to seek emergency dental care.
To Sum Up
As they say, prevention is much better than cure. This National Dental Care Month, therefore, remind yourself & everyone around you to take care of your oral health. The fact that the National Dental Care Month is celebrated just in time for a summer that brings with it vacations, reunions and more, makes it even more fitting!
Its about time you flaunt those pearly whites, something that will be made possible only with adequate dental care and timely, preventive visits to your dentist!
At Dental Oasis Family Dentistry, we offer regular dental check-up and services while maintaining a smile on your face and building honest and lasting professional relationships. Book your dental appointment with us and smile on your way to good oral health! You can also reach us via email at office@dentaloasispleasanton.com or call us on (925) 846-4491.