The quicker, faster, safer way to dental diagnosis!
Digital Dental X-Rays
The choice of Digital dental x-rays is very popular among dentist today. More efficient, and safer than traditional film x-rays, digital dental X-rays expose you to far lower levels of radiation & ensure your safety. This however is only one of the benefits of a digital dental X-ray. We have selected digital dental x-rays to provide our patients a quicker, safer, and accurate result.
When is digital dental X-ray required?
The most in-depth dental examination can only look at the health of your teeth above the gum line. The tooth roots and contact areas in between your teeth can only be examined by way of digital x-rays.
Digital dental x-rays, therefore identify any signs of infection quickly and help us to recommend the most suitable treatment. A digital x-ray can also reveal the extent of the infection. Importantly, with a digital x-ray, we can see the shape of your tooth and the tooth roots.
Another major advantage of digital x-rays is that it can be used to monitor teeth that are yet to erupt. Therefore, a digital dental x-ray becomes imperative to evaluate a wisdom tooth that may have been impacted. Similarly, it comes in handy to monitor any issues in the jaw joint.
The frequency of a digital dental x-ray depends upon your dental health. For patients who are at high risk of dental disease, digital x-rays may be required more frequently. Of course, digital dental x-rays are needed in case of any dental injury or other dental issues such as a toothache.
Types of digital dental x-rays
Digital dental x-rays can be intraoral i.e., they can be taken inside your mouth or extraoral taken outside your mouth. Of these intraoral are the most popular.
Intraoral x-rays in turn include:
- Bite-wing X-rays
These involve your biting down on a sensor for an x-ray to be taken in the specific part of the mouth. These are often used for detecting decay between the teeth as well as to check the condition of bones around the teeth. These x-rays are also used to check the fit of dental restorations such as the crown. - Periapical X-Rays
With this x-ray, a dentist can see the entire tooth from the crown till the tip of the root tooth as also the bone along the tooth. They detect dental abscesses as well as bone loss around the tooth.
Extraoral x-rays include:
- Panoramic X-rays
This is taken by a machine that rotates around your head. Such x-rays are extremely useful in assessing impacting wisdom teeth. They also come in handy when you need to plan dental treatments such as implants.
Why choose Dental Oasis Family Dentistry for Digital Dental X-Rays in Pleasanton?
Our experienced dentists are appropriately trained in the use of digital dental x-ray machines. Even though the exposure to radiation is exceptionally low, we further limit it with the use of lead aprons & thyroid collars. Whether you need digital dental x-rays for yourself or your children, we have you covered.
As a busy professional herself, Dr. Sharda Patel understands and treat every patient with their unique needs. High quality service, fast yet comprehensive service, flexible scheduling, and your personal comfort are her primary areas of focus! Long lasting patient relationships are the rewards of the Dental Oasis Family Dentistry.
Digital Dental X-Ray Service FAQs
1. What happens during a digital dental x-ray?
Having a digital dental x-ray is like having a traditional x-ray. The sensor will be placed in the mouth that will enable the image of the tooth to be taken. The image will then be transmitted to the computer. Alternately a scanner & a sensor may be used.
2. What are the benefits of digital dental x-rays?
There are several advantages of a digital x-ray. The first is that they reduce radiation exposure. Importantly dentists can get a better view and hence can offer a more accurate diagnosis. The fact that they can monitor teeth that are yet to erupt ensures that the line of treatment can be worked out before the infection spreads. In fact with this x-ray dentists can look at those components of the oral cavity, which a conventional dental exam cannot reveal. They are also helpful for younger patients where the dentist can monitor how the jaw is developing.
3. Should I be worried about radiation?
The amount of radiation involved in a digital dental x-ray is minimal. Additionally, patients are provided with lead lined apron that further reduces the risk.
4. What are the various kinds of digital dental x-rays?
There are two main kinds- intraoral & extraoral. Intraoral in turn can be either bite-wing or periapical. Extraoral can be panoramic.
5. What is a panoramic X-Ray?
As its name suggests, it allows you to see a broad view. It will enable the dentist, therefore, to see the entire structure of your mouth in a single image.
6. What type of problems do such x-rays help detect?
In adults such x-rays help detect:
- Decay between teeth, beneath fillings & more.
- Bone loss
- Changes in bone
- Cysts & tumors
- Condition of teeth to prepare for tooth implants
- Abscesses
- Impacted wisdom teeth
In children, X-rays determine:
- Decay
- Space in the mouth to fit incoming teeth.
- Impacted teeth
7. Are digital dental X-rays safe for children?
Yes, especially since the radiation involved in a digital dental x-ray is exceedingly small.
8. Traditional or digital dental X-ray, which is better?
Digital dental x-rays score on several counts. They are less expensive, quicker, and safer than normal radiology. They produce better images. It also exposes the patient to minimal radiation. It also allows easy storage of oral health records.
9. Is the digital dental x-ray procedure more comfortable?
Yes, it is. For one, since it uses a sensor, you do not have to undergo a prolonged process of scanning or biting down for lengthy periods of time.
10. What is the recommended digital dental X-ray frequency?
It really depends on the patient’s dental health risk. A comprehensive series of X-rays is recommended every 5 years and thereafter x-rays checkup is required every 12 months.
11. Are digital X-rays more environment friendly?
Yes. They do not requite the use of toxic photo developing chemicals. Also, they do not use packaging including lead.
12. Does digital radiography produce better images?
Yes, the images are high resolution. Also, while traditional x-rays can project images in 25 different shades, digital image can pick up variations of up to 256 images. Importantly, digital radiography can access more angles inside the mouth. The dentist can also enhance digital images further.
13. Is digital imaging less expensive?
Yes. It will typically cost you less as there is no cost involved in developing the film, which is a vital component of traditional imaging.
14. How can I reach you for a Digital Dental X-Ray?
You can simply fill this appointment form to schedule an appointment or call us at (925)-846-4491 and our customer support team will immediately help to schedule your appointment.
Book your Digital Dental X-Ray appointment now!
At Dental Oasis Family Dentistry, we use ultra-safe digital dental x-rays which allow to diagnose oral health conditions accurately and efficiently. When you visit our office, we will review your current condition, based on it we will do the x-ray to detect the actual issue and then rescue it. For an in-depth dental examination, call us at 925 846 4491 or email us at office@dentaloasispleasanton.com or click on following button to schedule an appointment with us.
We look forward to caring for your smile!
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